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  3. What is the difference between Local, Backup, and Remote Mail Exchanger in cPanel?

What is the difference between Local, Backup, and Remote Mail Exchanger in cPanel?

Understanding mail exchangers is crucial for effective email management in cPanel. Local, Backup, and Remote Mail Exchangers play distinct roles, in influencing email services. In this guide, we’ll explore the differences, providing clarity for users. Whether you’re a website owner or a cPanel administrator, grasping these distinctions is essential for optimizing your email setup. Join us as we navigate Local, Backup, and Remote Mail Exchangers in cPanel for informed decision-making.

In order to view all these options follow the below steps:

Step 1: Login to cPanel


Step 2: Go to Email > Email Routing


Step 3: Now choose a domain from the dropdown and under “Configure Email Routing” look at the options given and read their descriptions by clicking on the “More” button next to each option

Automatically Detect Configuration (Recommended): Unless you have specific requirements, it’s advised to choose “Automatically Detect Configuration” as the default option.
Local Mail Exchanger: Processes all mail sent from the server to this domain locally, delivering it to the server’s mailbox instead of a remote mail service.
Backup Mail Exchanger: Functions like a remote mail exchanger, but in the event of the remote service being unreachable, it switches to handling emails as a local mail exchanger. For example, if Google is your mail service, emails are initially sent to Google’s servers; if inaccessible, they are delivered locally.
Remote Mail Exchanger: Manages all mail sent to this domain remotely, delivering it to the mail service determined by the domain’s MX record. For instance, if Google is your mail service, emails are directed to the mailbox on Google’s servers rather than a local mailbox. List item

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